Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Out of Practice...

I went to bed last night and completely forgot to post!  I guess I'm out of practice...or perhaps it's that I have nothing to say!

The weekend was so much fun that I still haven't recovered.  Additionally, it's rainy and grey here in NC, so I don't really have much energy in the first place.  Add to that the fact that nothing of any great consequence happened yesterday, and I'm without much of a blog entry!

Tomorrow, I'm taking 42 of my seniors to Staunton, Virginia (about 4 hrs away) to a Shakespeare play.  Pray for me!  LOL  I'm SURE I won't forget to post tomorrow night!  I will say that I'm already worrying about what I'll eat tomorrow on the trip--I can't do much in the line of fast food, but that's probably where we'll end up...Maybe I'll just pack a lunch...

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