Monday, October 24, 2011

The Big 5-0!

Fanfare, please!  I finally hit 50 pounds!  Yay!  It's an amazing feeling, I have to admit.  When I started this back in May (yes, it was May that I first saw my surgeon), I had hoped for mild success.  Now I'm not happy with "mild" success--I want it all!

Before I had the surgery, someone told me he knew of a woman who had the surgery and changed dramatically.  I think his words were, "She thinks she's all that now".  I can understand why she would.  First of all, as one loses weight, one gets a lot of positive attention.  It may be the only positive attention one has ever received.  In my situation, I've never received positive attention for my looks.  For my brain, yes.  For my "bubbly" personality, of course.  For my writing skills, for my jewelry making, for my teaching, even, but never for my looks. 

People who have never been fat probably don't understand this, but I hope I do change.  I would love to "think I'm all that" for a change!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You deserve to have that attitude, ALL THAT! Why not feel great about yourself?! You've worked hard to earn it! You can see a dramatic change in your face--and I don't just mean the scary zombie pics either! :)
