Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I came home from school today at 11:30am with what appeared to be a stomach virus.  I slept the entire afternoon, waking around 6pm.  I know it isn't good for me, but I haven't eaten a thing--I'm just too afraid to do so.  I *have* been drinking water, but I just cannot risk taking in anything else.  I was so sick and so pale--my principal asked me to call him when I got home because he was worried about me.

The virus has been going around school--I've had several kids out with it, but I'm not sure if that's what I was dealing with or if I had what's known as "dumping syndrome".   In all the literature on this surgery, dumping syndrome is mentioned.  If one consumes sugar, the body, which has a little stomach now, cannot tolerate it, and as a result, it "dumps" it.  I had diarrhea, sweating, chills, weakness--all of which can be symptoms of dumping syndrome.  But I also haven't taken in that much sugar, so I'm really not sure what was going on with me this morning.  All I know is that I was absolutely wiped out by whatever it was. It may well have been a "bug"; after all, I haven't felt well for a couple days.  Maybe this is where my apathy toward food is coming from...

And the greatest thing about being sick today?  I missed exercise.  Don't get me wrong--I'm SORRY that I wasn't able to go swim.  I MISSED being able to go to the pool.  If you had asked me six months ago if I'd ever miss exercise, I'd have laughed at you!  This really shows me how far I've come.  I know I have a long way to go, but I *really* have come a long way!!

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